How to protect your ankles from injury

Protecting your ankles from injury is crucial, especially if you're engaging in physical activities such as sports or exercise. Often if you have experienced a ankle sprain or strain injury in the past, you are at an increased risk of injury in the future. Here are some tips to help prevent ankle injuries:

  1. Strengthening exercises: Incorporate exercises that target the muscles around your ankles, including calf raises, ankle circles, and resistance band exercises. Strong muscles provide better support and stability for your ankles.

  2. Balance and proprioception training: Practice balance exercises to improve proprioception (your body's awareness of its position in space). This can help prevent falls and ankle twists. Activities like standing on one leg or using a balance board can be beneficial.

  3. Wear supportive footwear: Choose shoes that provide adequate ankle support, especially for activities like running, hiking, or playing sports. High-top shoes or those with ankle straps can offer additional stability.

  4. Use ankle braces or supports: If you have a history of ankle injuries or if you're participating in high-risk activities, consider wearing ankle braces or supports for added protection. These devices can help stabilize your ankles and reduce the risk of twisting or spraining.

  5. Warm-up and cool-down: Always warm up properly before engaging in physical activity to prepare your muscles and joints for movement. Similarly, cool down after exercise to help prevent stiffness and reduce the risk of injury.

  6. Avoid uneven surfaces: Be cautious when walking or exercising on uneven terrain, as it increases the risk of rolling or twisting your ankle. Watch your step and consider wearing appropriate footwear with good traction.

  7. Gradually increase intensity: If you're starting a new exercise routine or increasing the intensity of your workouts, do so gradually to give your muscles and joints time to adapt and strengthen.

  8. Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight puts additional stress on your ankles and increases the risk of injury. Maintain a healthy weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet to reduce strain on your joints.

  9. Stay hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for maintaining muscle function and preventing fatigue, which can contribute to accidents and injuries.

  10. Listen to your body: Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain in your ankles, and don't ignore them. If you experience persistent pain or instability, consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and treatment.

By following these tips and taking proactive measures, you can help protect your ankles from injury and maintain optimal mobility and function. If you are experiencing ankle pain or have questions about what you can do to protect your ankle from injury. Contact Pritchette Physical Therapy at 480-785-5415.